Hot Arkansas Firefighter

In July of 2009, I had the pleasure of working with a  hott guy from Arkansas, who was referred to my by one of my Arkansas photographer friends. Stephen drove up one weekend and spent the day shooting with me at a few different locations, and I can safely tell you that he really looked HOTT in fire gear….

FF Adjusting His Helmet WM               FF Fireside Hunk 2 WM

FF Helmet Hunk 2 WM


FF Hoseline Stud 2 WM

FF Hoseline Stud Art               FF Hose Hunk 2

FF Hoseman WM

FF Axe Hottie WM

FF Axe Stud Art 2 WM

FF Bunker Stud WM

FF Bunker Stud Profiled WM

FF Stud In Smoke

SMOKIN` HOTT, right ?